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I was getting the error

Error: /home/$USER/.config/aseprite/extensions/losepec-palette-importer/./lospec-palette-importer.lua:191: unexpected end of input

on the Steam version on Linux (Manjaro). I launched the programme from the command line directly from /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Aseprite so I could see logs and potentially debug it a little more but when launching it this way instead of through Steam the script ran fine.

Might be helpful as a workaround to anyone who needs it or the developer for figuring out what the problem is.

Thanks for the report. Based on the information from you and @PhoenixTamer, it seems like there’s something up with a file path somewhere when using the Steam version of Aseprite. This should give me a place to start looking.

That said, I don’t currently have a Linux machine (virtual or otherwise) set up for testing, so I can’t 100% guarantee Linux support with this extension, but I’ll do my best!

Hey again,

I just got another reply from user @PhoenixTamer who’s been running into the same issue on Windows and they found out that Avast was preventing the script from executing properly (likely because it relys on curl under the hood, but that’s a guess). I’m not sure if that’s what you’re up against, but it’s possible that your AV is being overzealous.

I was going to try and debug it a bit more today but today it has decided to work fine when launched through Steam too, so I have no idea what was happening.

Weird, but okay! Keep me posted if you run into anything else, and feel free to submit an issue to the GitHub repo if you hit any other snags. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.