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(1 edit)

Okay, so I played through your game for four times. The first time I had collected some of the orbs and died in the truth cave. The second time I died in the death cave (there was no warning?). The third time I had collected all of the orbs and died in the truth cave. The Fourth time I didn't get any of the orbs and got the truth ending. I guess that shooting all of the orbs will result in the other "ultimate ending". My feedback on the game is the following:

  • It's interesting that you're not supposed to collect the 'collectables'.
  • Great background music.
  • The map is a nice addition, but doesn't show in which room I am. Lot's of checkpoints was also nice.
  • The movement speed is pretty slow and it's difficult to jump over the enemies; especially if you don't yet know that you can shooting with L.
  • The character only jumps if he's grounded (not when he was grounded 0.1 seconds ago), which gets annoying really fast when you need to jump close to the edges of platforms to make the jumps.
  • I couldn't pick up the orb behind the orange circle door (bug), but I was able to open the door. The lie above the orb was pretty funny though.
  • There is no warning before entering the death cave.

We are glad that you invested so much time in our game! The map was not supposed to show the character position, since there are only 13 rooms in total and we kinda wanted to emphasize the exploration part of the game. The orb behind a circle key door is not a bug and its a fake orb, you can count the orbs on the map and see for yourself :). The point of the Death Cave is to be a misdirection and a surprise, so putting a warning would not make much sense.

We aware of the mild frustration caused by jumping and speed of the character, probably caused by the fact that some players do not know that they can hold "W" to jump higher. But again, its our fault that we did not make that clearer in the game. As for the grace jumping, well you are 100% right, that is a problem and we are going to try to avoid these types of mistakes in the future games.