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The art is amazing! Especially the intro cutscene. Love the lighting and characters. Everything feels super polished and the attacks have a lot of power.  Love the monster designs and death animations as well! The only thing that didn't quite fit the vibe of the gameplay was the music which felt like a lighter playful tone, when the gameplay is pretty intense!!

I died after I got my first weapon upgrade and was backtracking after the first boss was defeated... and then when I hit "continue" on the game over screen, it started me from the beginning with 000/100 and no weapons  :( I don't know if I misclicked or not... I may have pressed X (attack) instead of (Z) Jump, so maybe that input was interpreted as "No" by the game? But of course I wanted to continue! I definitely would never choose "restart immediately with 0%" after I die.


I'm glad you liked the game. As for music, I'm not a musician, so I tried to do the best with the resources I had at hand, hahah. Pages are not a necessary resource to advance in the game, they only affect the final cutscene. In the system I created for the checkpoints, it was impossible to save each page and its position, so I chose not to register any. In a future update I might reduce the number of them so I can save them at checkpoints. Thank you very much for the feedback.