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Well. Now I'm Really Glad I decided to follow you; I likely never would have been Aware of these troubles otherwise. :/ I'm so sorry one of your games isn't Meeting Expectations financially; I Hope you at least gain comfort from those fans who *Did* purchase/Enjoyed it Immensely.

Going to play Devil's Advocate here: A lot of people have mentioned lack of marketing/social media presence -- and I'm sure they're informed. Sadly(or not for some) - that's the world we live in now: social media usage is not only Expected but all but Required for most any type of commercial success. I honestly Hate the idea you can only be successful/profitable by utilizing it -- I just think there are people who either Plain don't Like sm (one of them) or aren't comfortable in utilizing it for exposure. All that to 'say', while ramping up your sm Presence may help, I think you should stick with where you're comfortable. For updates on the game? Sure. SM away. But Beyond posts that link back to methods you're at ease with (itch, blog - etc), 1. I wouldn't religiously follow them and 2. It wouldn't affect my purchase decision. I know as a creative, there's this awful Choice that has to be made with social media regarding your work: How Personal you want it to be. Is it about You or is it about your Craft? Where's the Line? People tend to blur them; at the end of the Day, You have to make that Choice. Decide how Little/how Much you're willing to put out there for hope of a higher fanbase/greater profit. Perhaps the other suggestion of trying to connect with other indie creatives (who know the same struggles) is Best in my mind; to work within and establish yourself in that Strong network. Whether they can give you reviews, tips, endorsements, etc--and you can do the same. But it just makes Sense to me that That's what that Community should be For. For game devs, new and old, to Learn, Talk and be Discovered.

Now, personally: I held no interest in playing Heaven's Grave because there were only male LIs. I don't have anything against GxB romance, but I often find female LIs more mentally stimulating. A lot of male LIs tend to fall flat (for me)/embrace well Established stereotypes [the arrogant one, the cold one, the jerk one, the nerdy one - etc.]. This is no way meant to imply You write male LIs in such a fashion - or even that Heaven's Grave has those types(No way to know on my end since I haven't played); but from what I know of your writing from ROS, I know you're very Dedicated to portraying multi-layered characters -- and that doesn't Stop with romanceable/side characters: Your Main character has Depth as well. As for a Kickstarter - I don't know. Like others, I have little experience with either creating or backing; honestly - I'd just give you money Straight Up. I don't necessarily need a Kickstarter to want to donate. I think providing incentives to specific 'tiers' is cool, but since you're Known to Deliver (without use of kickstarters, no less) I don't see why just getting the Game isn't Incentive Enough. By All Means, do your due diligence and research Successful cases - but a simple way to just provide support/donations would be fine with me.

Since it seems a Big part of your current Following knows/loves Rose, maybe you should Focus on the sequel of one of your most popular games -- For now -- instead of Pooling resources into games with different worlds/little backing? That seem Hit or Miss with quite a few people(several folks not liking the school theme, for example). I know you want a Kickstarter for BFF - and that you wanted HG and BFF to fund ToW, but perhaps if you Do do one, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start with Rose's sequel first.  I absolutely Love that you know no Boundaries when it comes to your craft, yet Strategy on What and When to release is just as Important. I know you've utilized polls before -- I think that could Continue to be Effective. Just to have an ear to the ground on what fans are willing to invest in/purchase and Why

Devil's Advocate aside: I hope this helps in even some small way. And that you don't feel too Discouraged. From what I've read, Heaven's Grave is some of your Best writing -- I'm actually sad it's not my cup. I'm Very Familiar with having to moonlight while trying to live your Dream - but I hope it doesn't come to that for you. Whatever you decide, I'm personally Willing to Help out any way I'm able. All the Love, dear. <3

Many thanks for your support and advice.

I agree that making connections with other VN devs would be a help, but I do think I do need to do more work my social media presence, as well.  I'm not going to pretend it comes easily to me, but I think there are aspects of every job that you invariable don't enjoy, and with any luck, the parts you like outweigh them.

Before, I had the marketing strategy (if you can even call it that) of 'if you build it, they will come' and it seemed to work fine for TROS and my previous, smaller titles.  But the same is not working for Heaven's Grave for whatever reason, and so I need to change things up. Whether getting my studio more visible through social media will help or not I can't say, I doubt it will hurt. 

Yes, I did wonder if it was the fact there are no female LIs in Heaven's Grave that was a factor affect it's performance. It's certainly something to consider for future titles.

And you are not the only one who has suggested doing a TTOW kickstarter instead, since it is most likely the more popular of the two games.

I certainly wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but I do want to do right by those who have been patiently waiting for BFF.

At the moment, unless something significant changes in the next week or so, I will likely do a survey (as I did before with TTOW) and find out who would support either kickstarter, one or the other, or neither and then go from there.

Many thanks again for your kind words and I appreciate the time you took to give feedback on the matter. ^_^

Oh, to be Clear: I'm not saying you shouldn't do social media marketing -- it's obviously Necessary in your particular niche and as you wrote, it can't hurt you at this point. What I'm more so suggesting is to be cognizant of how you approach it. Step up your game(punny)if you believe it's necessary; but I'd also make sure to research given your general audience and those you'd like to target in the future. For example, I run an artist studio and out of ALL the sm options out there, FB is most effective for getting sales and beats other sm sites by Miles. As a small team, wield your energy wisely. Go for the sm sites that will give you the most proverbial 'Bang for you buck'; ask/see what other devs are using that's effective. But also figure out your 'Lines'.

As for Heaven's Grave being GxB only - I mean you're Always going to Limit when you restrict romance options -- but there's a HUGE GxB otome base out there so I don't think that was a major setback. I also believe you mentioned something about an all GxG(which I would support the HECK out of)you had in mind; as long as you provide a fair amount of all options in your games, I don't see an issue.

It's Absolutely Fair that you want to get BFF out for those who've waited; yet I'm worried(as I'm sure you are) you may end up having another HG situation on your hands. A Kickstarter may help - but there seems to be a lot of distrust there. Since ToW is a sequel - at the Very Least you're not starting completely Fresh: You have a Dedicated fanbase (who all have their respective baes) that have already enjoyed RoS and are Very willing to see the Continuation of their adventures. From a Risk standpoint, it's a Lot lower than BFF--given your financial situation. Again - I think a poll/survey is the way to go (to Start) and I hope it gives some valuable insight. Then you can see where the winds are blowing. (If BFF fans are willing to wait if it means getting ToW sooner, etc.)

Ah, okay. Sorry if I misunderstood. And good advice about tailor social media methods/sites depending on the audience.

Yes, I think I am leaning more and more towards a survey to determine which course would be the most well-received. 

It's doesn't guarantee either game will be funded, of course, but if I am going to run a kickstarter, especially now when faith in the platform has been somewhat tarnished, I will need to go with the option that has the best chance of success.