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Hello! This is my first game jam, so I am confused about a lot of stuff, and I am using gamemaker. Can I make my room size 840 by 480 and my sprites 80 by 80 pixels so that is is bigger? Basically what I am asking is if I am allowed to make my sprites and room sizes bigger than 8 by 8 and 84 by 48 respectively to 80 by 80 and 840 by 480, but all the sprites can be divisible into 48 by 84. The reason I am asking is because I tried upscaling my game but when I launched it it was all fuzzy.

(1 edit)

I am not familiar with GameMaker, but it looks like you don't need to use scaled up sprites. You could just set specific option and your pixel art will be pixel perfect! You need just to "disable interpolation between pixels in the Project Settings in Graphics tab".


Hi wiki! Sorry I didn't see this when you posted it, glad you got it figured out. If you need more help feel free to join our discord! We have a dedicated help text channel that you could hit up whenever you have questions.