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Nice game! =D I managed to survive until wave 10

What I liked:
- The introduction, very professional
- The diegetic tutorial was awesome too! I love the interactive part where he asks your name and call you that way after.
- One of the best ambiance there! Very coherent mood, music, environment, character design, all of course integrated well in the theme
- The enemies holding suitcases x)

What I think could be better:
- The turret placement is a bit erratic, it's hard to put one during a quick emergency
- The reload for the spell is loooong! During the first waves you have to rely a lot on it, before earning enough Koins. I think it could be balance a bit
- Showing "Placeholder, content TBD" is good to let us know you may continue working on the game (awesome if its the case!) but for a jam, it surely makes me also feels like "oh, so it's missing something there" and "am I supposed to unlock the TBD-item to keep surviving from now on?"... not very positive =)


Hey Colisan, thanks so much for the feedback. Late in the game we did start developing a system for tuning some of the gameplay variables, HOWEVER, we completely forgot to include reload time in that set. Unfortunate... However it's good to have that on our radar. Additional feedback like turret placement is noted. We need to have hotkeys for turret placements for sure. And yeah those placeholders should have read something to the effect of In development. I really wish we could have put in other turret types, or maybe putting a cap on turrets, but yeah, curious what others think about the balance as well. Congrats on making it to wave 10! I think that's the highest anyone's gotten yet :) granted I have spent most of my time developing and haven't had a good chance to sit down and play it yet...

(1 edit) (+1)

My point was more that if you didn't show there could be more objects, nobody would have ever known. In my opinion, it's often better to just scrap it (ie. the shop would have became simpler to use "trade 10 koins for a turret"), it makes the game feel more finished =)
But of course, that's a minor detail, don't focus too much on it, your game was still good =D