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As of the release client, this game feels like an indie game that just so happens to be on a retro console... but it also plays snappy and lag free, like a Mega Drive game.  Great choice in a port, and great work sir.

Thank you, and of course that is precisely what it is. 🙂

Mega Drive/Genesis isn't a retro console. wish people would stop misusing that word. i agree with everything else you said though. :)

Can you please expand on that?  I can't say I fully understand.

Retro "reminiscent of an earlier time". if you made a new game, or game console in the style of older ones, THAT would be retro. old or vintage doesn't make it retro. understand?

I understand now.  I don't think you will be able to convince others to stop using retro in a casual way.  That said, I respect your conviction good sir.

nice. i agree. just look at all the 'retro gaming' youtube channels xD. cheers

lol - in general if DOS is retro, if Saturn and N64 is retro id say md is retro why does it have to be so complicated - to me retro is 8bit too first thing i think but i dont do all that stuff like calling c64 oldskool and amige midskool (in which case an md would be midskool) i just love them all and call them retro, i bet vanilla WoW o a pentium3 800mhz will be retro soon enough - the game looks a bit like something called realm of the mad god it certainly looks promising