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Making a multiplayer game is actually very hard in a jam time so congratulations. I did not test the multiplayer part but if anybody find me on discord we can play the multiplayer games.

For solo play:

I think non inverted should be the normal options. Also mouse controls were a little fast but I had a custom dpi mouse so it was fine for me. I did not understand why we should roll?

What I miss in those ring racer games is that if you miss a ring you have to return back. Now this would not work for multiplayer prob but at least in solo play I wish the game also move to the next ring or accept the next ring even if we miss some. Of course leaderboard would be based on that.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

We had a version where you couldn't roll, but we felt that it was fun to do barrel rolls so we added it back.

I like your suggestion to be able to miss a few rings. Maybe we should make it so that you can take any of the next 2-3 rings from the latest one you took. It would also allow for some innovative shortcuts :)

We could totally arange a mutiplayer session. I think we should be able to have at least 16 players (that is how many spawnpoints we have :D) but we have only tested with max 3. Will think about a day and time and write to you :)