I liked the game, snappy and great aesthetics. My two nitpicks are that the invest command should be the other way around (business then price) and for some reason I really missed being able to history step with the up arrow key.
Well done!
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Cool! I like the fact that only one little guy can be controlled at a time making so that you have to try and have as little downtime as possible. The UI of the start menu also felt very clean and doing just what it needs.
The size of the game window was a little too small for my taste, I struggled to click on the little guys on several occasions.
Adding a little bit of juice (sound effects, particles, animations) and a clear win condition would make this great. I hope you consider expanding on the idea, I think it has great potential.
Thank you for playing and for the feedback!
We had a version where you couldn't roll, but we felt that it was fun to do barrel rolls so we added it back.
I like your suggestion to be able to miss a few rings. Maybe we should make it so that you can take any of the next 2-3 rings from the latest one you took. It would also allow for some innovative shortcuts :)