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I ran into a few issues with characters not being able to jump when they should've been able to, but other than that this game has a lot of charm to it! Switching characters could be made a bit easier, as could restarting the level (had to dig around to find it) . You would expect a player to restart a few times before getting it right, so there should be as little friction as possible in letting them restart.

Great job guys!

- Joe


Hi Team HorseHead,

There are several uncomfortable places have to be adjust after the end of the rating. And I am appreciate for your feedback of my game. I really want to add one shortcut to restart the game now. When I submitted the game, I have received many feedbacks about the issue of restart buttons. I am going to update in the next week! 

Thanks for your comments! Appreciate! (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑