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so you got to understand that you start without the boots, that they teleport to a random place each time you jump, or just fell on the ground, that you can fell from the level, including when running toward the camera which makes me wonder how am i suppose not to fell at some point, once you got that you can start trying to jump on the guy, though i couldn't figure how you control the idreciton of the jump, each time i just go in a direction then the character moves on its own in impredictable ways, i did manage to get really close to it but i died because i touched a little under the head i guess, and then after some restart the level just didn't contained an enemy.

The concept have some potential, though it might not be the way to exploit it, right now the only way i found to make that jump potientially possible, is to make the monster look either to the right or left, then hope for the best. It deserves some thinking though i believe some mechanics could be found.