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(1 edit)

I liked the idea of the game and enjoyed playing few levels until the game asked me to juggle my character. Haha! No way I am going to be able to do that! 

The current controls are too fast from me and for most of the other players too from what I have read from the comments. I get that you like the challenge of a very  fast platformer game and its only natural that you make the game like this but keep in mind that other people may not enjoy what you enjoy and they are going to criticize what they don't enjoy about the game.

Also I'm not saying that you should slow down the character. I think as a game designer you should approach it this way; "People are having problem with character being too fast. In what unique way I can fix this problem?" Coming up with your own approach to fix problems what makes the unique games in my own opinion.

Also also it doesn't hurt to look at other games too. I found this submission which is very similar to yours. I think you should check it out to see what he designed differently and what response he got.

Thank you for making this game! I really enjoyed it!

Thanks a lot for feedback! Now that basically everyone commented on the character speed, yeah I think an overall reduction in speed should be made. Maybe the character should automatically stop when near the edge.