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(Spoilers kinda by the way)

Phew, wow. That was something. It was incredible, unbelievable. It proved to me that we need more edutainment games in this day and age. There was one, and one, and one. I got to level twelve or something, not sure maybe. You do need lungs to breath though. Why soup? There were aliens. There were also credits, I thought it was a maze. I guess it wasn't a maze. I finally get to know what it feels like when people can't figure out my games, it all makes sense now. The way to get the ending also makes sense. It all makes sense!

That 0 was upsetting though, words I am fine with, but 0? No.

Also the music was phenomenal. That is all.

Thank you so much for the positive comment. Congrats on finding most of the secrets. I feel like your comment is the most accurate description of the game lol. The person who made the music loved your comment.