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The game made me quit after I died to that one monster cause it just scared the shit out of me. I'm convinced it's really good just based off of that and what other people said though. Great job, sadly I won't play any more of it right now. 

This is not a bad thing, the fact that the game got me like that is amazing.

First of all thanks for trying the game!

I'm sorry if the game is a bit too scary, we were actually worried that it's not horror-y enough, so at least we know it works!

Let us know if you end up playing more!


Don't be sorry. It was still a great moment. May play it more tomorrow when it's not 1am.


I did finish it now and it's really good. Amazing game!

I'm glad you like it! Thank you for the kind comment!

BOO (like a ghost, not the jeer)

(1 edit) (+1)

I freaked out too but then I disabled my sound so that I can't hear it