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I really like this, the puzzles are simple and make sense (save for one puzzle where the box and the player occasionally get stuck together because of the water mechanics) and the colour scheme helps adhere to the theme, it's a neat little piece and you clearly put a lot of heart into it


Ehy! Thank you very much, also your comment fill my heart :D Oh, sorry for getting stuck with the water, I don't find this bug during the development, I will fix it. But first I would like to see what is your game for the jam.. See you soon! :)

Thanks man, I appreciate it :) It wasn't anything hugely major, I did manage to crack the puzzle in the end, I think it's a logical consequence of the fact that small players float on water while boxes and stuff sink so I think it actually might just have been me lmaooooo - anyway great game man, keep at it chief