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The presentation was really good, and the goofy physics were fun to play with. I have to admit that I rarely threw the ring, as I found I had more control just holding it and swimming towards the other characters. I also found that the people you had to save tended to clump together, reducing some of the challenge. The animation of them whizzing away to safety is great though!

Thanks for commenting! :D Yeah, keeping the lifebuoy with you can be a way to play, especially underwater. I also tried to randomize as much as I could peoples' behaviour to fix the 2nd issue you mentionned, but it only half worked -- perhaps better level design could have solved this. Anyway thank you! (:

Since you played my game, you might be interested in watching my devlog video of the game (:

(you don't have to if you don't want to, it's there just in case)