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Thomas Bringer

A member registered Feb 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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There's a Discord for BEAThoven devs if you wanna join!

There's a Discord for BEAThoven devs if you wanna join!

Dev#5 here! Wow that's so cool!!! Thanks for making this!

Thanks, joined!

Hey! Sounds really cool, I might be interested. Would love to discuss this with the other devs, to see where we could take the project, maybe on Discord or whatever.

I really liked working every day, but my personal favorite days were day 3 for Pizza-ed and day 5 for BEAThoven The reason is, I completly changed the game's idea in both cases, which was just a ton of fun. For Pizza-ed I completely introduced the pizzeria theming in a generic top-down shooter template. For BEAThoven, I turned a slow, strategic, cute game into an intense rhythm-based game, while throwing away part of the original idea!

Thanks! You made some really cool changes that made the game so much better, like the effects on the cursor which look amazing and was my #1 reason why I chose this project haha! So truly a team work!

Well I played the previous version and wanted to twist it, then I figured the main mechanic would make for a cool rhythm game!

Thanks! You're a legend!

This game looks so damn sick! Congrats on the multiplayer!

Day #5 here! New track is FIRE!

Yup i did! Thanks!

Game was made in Unity, and multiplayer solution is Photon Pun. Photon provides free servers for online Unity games. Also, there's a really good Blackthornprod video about making online multiplayer games with Unity & Photon, which taught me the basics a while ago. So if you want to get started this is the starting point I'd recommend. Also, online multiplayer is very hard at first, but after making a few multiplayer games, it gets significantly easier so don't give up!

Hey, i made it online multiplayer for day 6!

Hey, i made it online multiplayer for day 6!

Hey, i made it online multiplayer for day 6!

Hey, i made it online multiplayer for day 6!

Hey, i made it online multiplayer for day 6!


Dev #5 here! That new level was a blast!

Dev #3 here! The polish with audio+highlight on ingredients makes a huge difference. Thanks for expanding!

Dev #3 here! that's some really fast pineapple here haha! thanks for expanding!

Dev #3 here! Thanks for expanding, cool version!

Dev #1 here! love this twist on the original game!

Dev #1 here! Huge fan of the 'Destruction' mod, so satisfaying!

Dev #1 here! Wow, thanks for expanding! Love the overall polish! Glad you saved the cool mole design from another branch. Also, I happen to be french so you actually made my own game playable for me haha!

Dev #5 here! I love the extra polish with the colors!

Dev #5 here! Thanks for polishing!

Dev #5 here! Combo meter is such a great addition!

Dev #5 here! Amazing polish, love the final version!

Thank you so much!

Oh OK! So you go Edit theme in the top-left of your page. You change the font, and select a Google font. Here you can search for Orbitron and apply it.

There's a folder Assets/_Game/Fonts with the font in it: Orbitron-Regular SDF.asset. This asset can be used in a Text Mesh Pro component, in section Main Settings, in slot Font Asset.

If you want to add a new font, you can download a font online, use the Font Asset Creator to make a SDF .asset file, and use it in a Text Mesh Pro component.

If you're still having issues, I'll try to answer!

Great, thanks!

Thank youuu!

Thank you so much! Glad you're not mad at me for changing things quite a lot! Also thank you for the video!

Dev #3 here! So cool to see all the branches from Pizza-ed!

Dev #3 here! Love your additions! Mr. Ketchup is so cute haha

Dev #3 here! I loooooove this version! I like how you took the idea of ingredients and made it into its own mechanic!

Dev #1 here! Your addition caught me off guard haha well done!