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Good work. I'm impressed by how many levels you managed to put together within 48 hours! Feels like a pretty complete puzzle game. At first I thought the last level was impossible, before I figured out the trick to it... very nice.

Feedback 1: I think as soon as you highlight an action type, you should get the move preview before you choose a direction. (For example, as soon as you press 1, you should get a white square in front of you; 2 a red line...). At the start I was pretty confused about why the action I selected wasn't triggering, and only after a minute did I realize I had to choose a direction too, so this would be a visual cue.

Feedback 2: On many levels, a winning strategy is to stay parked at the start location and just shoot at anyone who drives toward you. The mechanics tend to reward staying still and shooting, because you outrange the enemies and moving gives them a chance to shoot first. It would be nice if more of the puzzles force you into a proactive approach. (Some of them definitely did).

I'm really happy that you enjoyed it!!

I totally agree that there should be a preview system for the moves. I've noticed that other people also tend to be confused why their selection didn't work. As for not moving I think I need to spend a lot more time in level design to make sure that staying still and shooting is not always the go to strategy.

Thank you so much for the feedback!