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My team made a psuedo 3D game! Check it out! 
I think it came out looking really nice considering most of it is from asset packs!
MICROVANIA - A One Screen Mini-Metroidvania with a Twist!

Also, I played your game! I really like the intro and menu, but resetting with the walk away sequence after losing  was frustrating. 
The web-build aiming was a bit wonky as well, I couldn't get a hit. >.<
Great concept though! <3


Thanks for the feed back! intro was proudest moment in the project. I think the resetting the walk is definitely where the game could have improved the most. I just could find a better way to get you to stay in the game without loosing the importance of you "Only One" shot. 

Also that style came out really nice! especially if it was just from asset packs =)