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It'll be a while before I'm ready to give this game a proper review, but so far I'm really loving it. As far as my progress is concerned I've managed to get the hang of the first 6 cars; it's just the elite ones I've gotta master now. Not that I'd expect you to add any more features to the game, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on an elimination mode (where the player in last place slowly loses health) and on a splitscreen multiplayer mode (since a game this intense would be great to share with at least 1 friend).


Hi Infernal! Sorry for the late reply. Great to hear you enjoy/enjoyed the game! An elimination mode is a fun idea, I'll add it to the pool of ideas. Can't promise anything though, as I mostly just do service updates now with small patches, but who knows. About a splitscreen mode; I've been thinking about that myself from the start, but the problem is screen space. Because it's top-down, you really need all the visibility you can get to see upcoming corners. So a splitscreen mode would have to be horizontal, but then it becomes a problem when the road goes a bit too diagonal. I do have a 3D 'spiritual successor' to this game in the works though, and because it's 3D, I can add a splitscreen mode there. But that's the farther future :) Cheers!


Good to know, and I'm okay with this game no matter your decision. I am in fact still enjoying it; the elite cars are kicking my rear currently, but I'm getting the hang of the Audo and Chevra now. The Toyato's a little more tricky for me, but I've at least found the setup with it that works best for me, so I'll get the hang of it eventually.


Ohh I love to hear that you play and enjoy the game! Makes my life as game dev worthwhile :) Thanks!

ps. gotta be honest, I also have a love/hate relationship with the Toyato lol