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Very creepy! I really loved the east building's dialogue; it's confusing and bizarre in a very horror way. I also thought the music was very well done to add to the atmosphere, and the interaction dialogue was great with all the stuff in the west building as well. The cute-looking art was a nice counterpoint to the weird stuff near the end, so nice job on that too.

I'd have liked some more sort of choices (e.g. the items you can pick up or not), but it's a game jam and you had to do everything on your own, it looks like, so understandable. Also, I was a bit irked by having to interact with E and then click to move the dialogue along, rather than just having one button for both actions, but that's a minor gripe. 

(1 edit)

Yeahhhhh the clicking the mouse to progress dialogue was something i kind of coded myself into a wall with.  Hitting E to progress sometimes triggered other interactable objects near the same space as the one you were currently interacting with.  I can definitely fix that in the future  (my first time making a dialogue system from scratch, haha).  Thank you so much for your feedback and playing the game!  :)