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Fun concept !
We definitely don't get to play as a mimic often enough !

Took me a few tries to understand how to play but I got a hold of it pretty quickly.

I can feel you didn't have enough time but what's there works quite well already.
On the second level I realized pretty early that you could attack as long as you have eaten an item, no matter what the hero wants.
Having the right item means you can bait them more easily, but since they have a pattern you can sneak up to them while they don't look, then camouflage and attack before they leave to their new spot.
Sometimes I would even let myself be seen as a mimic to make them come towards me.

I'm wondering if being able to take the heroes out with the wrong item is intended or a shortcoming of the design maybe ?

Speaking of the second level, it is massive ! O.o
Took me a good 8 minutes to wander through it and find all heroes, thank god I didn't try to get the right items otherwise I would have been there for maybe 20 minutes !
Having the level mostly empty with no idea where to look for the items or the heroes is kinda tough.
I think it would probably play better if you were trapped in a small-ish room with all the heroes patrolling the area tightly, so really have to weave in between the view cones.

View cones which I think are lying ? many times the mages would see me through walls and such, I don't think any other type of hero did, though that may just be a coincidence.


Thank you for the feedback. Indeed, the levels, as usual, are extremely massive mostly because we didn't have a proper preparation at the very beginning of the jam and some mechanics got finished quite late.

In terms of attack, I do not remember exactly if it was a design or a happy accident, or both at the same time. But eventually, I thought about such possibility and decided to keep at as is as it brings some kind of variety in the game.