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This was a fun entry but sadly one I didn't manage to complete.

I believe I found a bug where if you go to speak to the innkeeper after the mine section is no longer blocked, the npc will respawn once you leave the inn and block the mines again. And also it seems like the mine section doesn't open up until you speak to the shop keeper after returning from collecting the artifact. These two issues alone ended up eating quite a bit of time for me as I tried to back track multiple times.

Aside from that, I never found the key to open the mine proper so I never saw the inside of it :(

As for the positives, I loved the aesthetic, felt genuinely old school and like something out of the first couple Elder Scrolls games. The music and sound also helped this feeling quite nicely.

The combat was simple but worked, and the dialogue interaction was as well, but also incredibly hard to read with the font and backgrounds.

I did enjoy what I played though, hopefully the softlocks get fixed! Good work!


thanks for the in depth information regarding this problem! And very much appreciate the feedback!