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My experience with the game was hilarious. I won very fast (I think I left the dungeon in the corner of the room where I pressed the second lever or so), then I restarted and as a result I had to deal with each encounter twice, and I went on that way. I'm glad I restarted, the game was longer than I expected after reaching the ending so early, I didn't think I bypassed such a large part of the game. The game is meaty especially considering the combat is not trivial.

The game is very good since both the combat and non-combat parts are.

Movement feels good, the dungeon makes good use of the realm switching mechanics which makes good use of the theme, and you even have verticality there, great dungeon.

The combat system is very good too, each weapon is different and it's cool that you can benefit from different weapons depending on whether you found the strength bonuses or not. Yet I can't help but thinking the combat part is slightly worse than it could be. First it's slower than it should be, the turn of the enemies is a bit long and you can't even act immediately after they end their turn, or at least it's how I felt. Secondly I guess it's super easy after you find basically whatever weapon, with such a cool system a couple of hard encounters would have been fun.

Very solid game, good job.


Thank you. We are glad that you like the game. You are not really missing out much since from the area I messed up the path is just purely combats due to the deadline closing in on me. In my design, I thought having a slight delay for the enemies make the players process what happened during the enemies' turn, I will have a look where I can make the delay slightly shorter. For the weapons, I did not balance them at all. I tried to balance between weapons not how they feel gameplay-wise but the nerfs are on their way if you want to check our game after the jam! I promise it won't be a cakewalk this time.