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Hi! it's me again! it's been a while since i actually last played, but i've kept up with your updates and I read whats inside every new update! 

Anyways, first, i love how the character creation has updated and can't wait for more options to pop up! Are you planning on getting more developers to help you so youre not doing this all on your own?? i understand if you work on a a story by yourself, but seeing now that you have options and more than likely different responses and reactions you'll get from people- it's gonna be alot of writing and planning!

i'm not doubting you i'm just impressed to see that you're doing all of this yourself, and wondering where all of this is gonna end up! 

not trying to leak spoilers from you but- what are you planning for characters and story in the future? i've been waiting for a game like this for a while honestly and want to see where this goes.

another thing! would there be relationships in this game? marriage, kids, things like that? and options for people who are ace/aro? 

and my last question is: what is driving your inspiration for this game? do you want it to be a more story driven game or a more animal crossing-ish game?? and sorry for typing out books like these; youre the only game i get email updates for because it looks so cute and i would love to be a game developer one day! so seeing this really makes my heart swell, y'know <3?? good luck with the game !

EDIT: i forgot to mention! im glad you're getting more comments than what i saw from last time! wow~!!


aaah, gosh, thank you for all the kind words!! i'm really glad you like things so far ;w;

  • it's just me atm while it's the early stages but i already have some friends i'll be relying on for general impressions/feedback as i work, and friends i'm planning on employing for QA and writing when needed. things are mostly going kinda slow because this is just a hobby project (for the moment!) and i have a part-time job to attend to
  • while there isn't a ton of story planned for sure just yet, i've been working on the characters and lore for years now and most of them have their story arcs roughed out! it's a bit hard to say anything more concrete with how little context there's for the game atm though... if there's more specific things you're curious about i can try to answer that though!
  • there's definitely going to be building friendships up, but i'm not sure whether i want non-platonic relationships or not yet. if i include them there will absolutely be at least some non-sexual or non-romantic options. either way, marriage and kids will almost certainly not be on the table. also, to add, there's some npcs that are already in relationships during the game
  • there's going to be story in the game but most of it is going to be observing side-plotlines more than them leading the main plot, if that makes sense? and the core of gameplay is going to have a lot of little day-to-day things more similar to something like animal crossing or harvest moon or simulation-type games

good luck with your dreams of gamedev!! and i'm really touched to be an inspiration to that <3

Since this has sparked more questions (and honestly, i might use the go-dot engine myself now!) i have a few more things-

first, i know this is just a hobby project for now, but how long do you think the game will be? if it has a ending, or course.

second, would there be jobs that you could pick from and build up on? with that mentioned, is there save files so you could have multiple characters at once?

and since there will be relationships in the game (whether it be friends, lovers, or enimies ); do you tunk it would have a affect on the story ?? will there be different endings (again, if there are any?)

I'm glad you have help! i wouldve been sad if you were putting all this work on yourself, even if it is just a hobby. i said this alot already, but i'm glad you're making a life simulation (i guess that's what you call this genre?? you get what i'm saying??) game like this on pc; since im a big fan of AC and harvest moon.

also, in the future whe  the game is done (or at least enough to release it then add updates later-), do you think you'll put a price to this game??

godot's been treating me pretty well as an engine so far, as someone who likes python but not c#/c++! it's definitely nicer than unity for pixel art, i think

as for other questions:

  • i have no idea how long the game will end up being. i definitely want to set it up such that it has replay value, but i'm not sure exactly what that will end up working out to hours-wise
  • no jobs for the main character! the idea is that everyone else has jobs, and you're the one popping in to give them a hand with whatever they need. you can definitely prioritize some characters/occupations to help more often than others though!
  • there's going to be the option of multiple save files, with the plan of allowing for both manual and autosave
  • your relationships with characters will affect their plotlines at least a little bit, but i don't know exactly to what extent yet
  • i don't think there's going to be An Ending to the game in a concrete Game Over style, similar to how games like HM/AC don't truly end so much as you decide when you've enjoyed what you wanted from it? whether you've seen all the plotlines at that point or not will be up to you
  • i'm for certain going to keep the game free while it's in such early stages, but past that, i'm not sure! i'm probably going to open a patron (or similar) at some point when impostor syndrome dies down, and i'll worry about whether to sell the game (and for how much) when that becomes more relevant