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I did enjoy this game! It was a bit awkward playing (since I did it single-player), but nevertheless I did get to see how it worked. The player feels like they slow down far outside of sandy areas, probably should tighten up the collision box. Also felt strange how the level would just reset when the cloud would attempt to exit the play area. It would be more helpful to just lock the cloud inside the play area. Otherwise, a really solid entry! Which team member did what task?


thanks for the feedback, i agree with the collision boxes, we were going to change them but decided to complete three levels instead of having one perfect one, the collision boxes will be easy enough to change in a later update anyway. we were going to restrict the player to the play area instead of restarting the level but we only had an hour left in the jam so we had to come up with something fast and that was the best solution. i (william) worked on everything in unity and jack worked on the music, thanks again!

ive updated the game with tighter collision boxes now so it should be better :)