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Hey we made a somewhat similar game :)
Some feedback:

The hitboxes should maybe be a little more forgiving to allow some margin of error, maybe a slight delay between turning off one color and turning the other one on. Like while the spike animates to come out of the ground it should not have a hitbox yet, and when its animating to go into the ground it should already no longer have a hitbox.

If you make the rythm faster it should be easier to guess the next change. The longer it is, the more wrong we humans get when guessing durations.

I like that you can change the color of the traps to essentially build your own level/solution!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Yeah, I had the realisation of the hitbox windows being too tight a little too late. That's a good note about the rhythm, though. One of the later levels has a shorter interval and it's definitely easier to get into the rhythm there.

I'll make sure to check out your game, I'm interested to see the similarities :)