This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-02-03 04:00:00 to 2023-02-06 04:00:00. View results


Mini jam is a 72-hour-long video game development jam that occurs every two weeks on

A required limitation is announced as soon as the jam starts to spice things up. Remember, limitation breeds creativity. You get the theme early, so you can plan ahead, Just keep in mind that you may have to change your idea when the limitation is revealed. This jam's theme is Signal. Remember, theme is purely inspirational and not required. Feel free to interpret it however you want.

No worries if you can't finish your game on time, you can submit late at anytime during the jam's voting period.

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The limitation is a special condition that your game must follow, but is open to interpretation. If you are unsure if your idea doesn't fit the limitation,  just remember that everyone will interpret it differently.

Limitation: Everything is tied to the rhythm


At the end of the Jam, there will be a rating period that lasts 5 days. Your game will be rated on:

Enjoyment - How much you enjoyed your time with the game.        
Concept - How interesting or unique the main focus of the game was.           
Presentation - How well executed the main focus of the game was.           
Use of limitation - How well the game incorporated the given limitation.

Keep in mind that the theme is purely for inspiration, and you should not rate a game differently based on how well the theme was followed. 



Read the rules. Not reading the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.

Keep game content clean. Any and all NSFW content, potentially offensive content, graphic content etc. must be clearly telegraphed with a content warning at the start of the game as well as in it's description or cover.

Answer submission questions honestly. You will be prompted to answer a few questions when submitting your game. Please answer them to the best of your ability. Giving vague answers is a great way to set off red flags.

Any games that do not follow the rules will be removed from the jam without warning.


Can I submit more than one game?  Yes, but I would advise against it.

Can I submit a game I already made?  No. You may only submit projects made within the time frame. We do check.

Can I make changes during the rating period? Yes, just make sure that the original version of the jam can still be downloaded.

What engine can I use? You can use any engine or framework you like. You can even make your own if you want.

Is there a prize for the winners?  The prize is the friends we've made along the way.

Do I have to follow the theme? No, but well… When in Rome~

I have code and assets from other Jams I wish to use, are these allowed? Yes! If you have the rights to use it, anything that wasn't made specifically for this particular jam is allowed. Mini Jam isn't strict on the "build it from scratch" ruling, but it is encouraged.

How can you tell if I used premade assets or made the game at an earlier stage? Outside obvious red flags, we don't really check. Jams are for fun. Bend the rules if you want, just don't cheat yourself and be a jerk to mess with genuine folk.

Help! I couldn't submit on time, what do I do? There will be an announcement on the discord server, as well as a community post about how to submit late if you missed the deadline.

When does the next Mini Jam start, and when will the limitation be announced? Mini Jam takes place every 2 weeks on a Thursday/Friday, depending on your time zone. Mini-Jams last 72 hours (3 days). Limitations are announced at the start of the Jam.


Participating in Ludum Dare? Be sure to join the official unofficial Discord server.

Want a fun and easy way to make games? Try out Ct.Js! It's a free 2D game editor that aims to make programming fun and game development easy by its visual editors and well-documented code library. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.


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Browser playable (48)
Windows (34)
macOS (6)
Linux (7)

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A unique rhythm game...
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Flex your best moves in this bird dance showdown !
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Help Cathy Ray complete her training in this music game/bullet hell mashup!
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Can you keep the patient alive for 5 minutes in this Anesthesiologist simulation game
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Road a Game for Mini Jam 125: Signal
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Follow the signal
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Mount a rhythmic defence!
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a minijam project
Beat your signal
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Rhythm based train puzzle game
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When the transmission goes hard you just go with it🤙
A small rhythm game where you drive a car.
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Synthsurf is an 80s-style rhythm game, surf through a virtual world of vibrant colors and electrifying sounds
Game where you must decide what to do with incoming spaceship
horror, jam game, 2d, pixel art
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I managed the team, designed the game about an increasing heart rate and the player having to avoid detection.
Short rhythm game made for windows. MiniJam 125.
A game about Death
Interactive Fiction
Shoot the right ships... a downloadable game for windows
Melee Platformer
Rhythm tank game
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Survive by dodging and dashing through the beat missiles
Short rhythm/puzzle game
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A rhythm game made for Mini Jam #125!
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Keep the rythm and dodge the beats!
description: will update after submitting
A cute arcade shooter with cyclable music where you shoot and dash to the bpm!
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Game made for Mini Jam 125: Signal by me and a friend.
A rhythm based point 'em up
Eyeball Monster Awaits You...
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Do you wanna click the button?
Control Brian's brain and complete tasks.
Submission for Mini Jam 125: Signal
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Communicate with another planet via musical repetition!
A rythm game where you land spacecrafts
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Jam to the beats and shots!
Fight through hordes to get to the brain
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Cut and Groov
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PING and PONG must deactivate the faulty radio towers that keeps turning them on and off!
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Escape this factory hell
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Puzzle game changing according to the rhythm
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In this game you control a robot that happens to have no signal.
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A puzzle game made on jam
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A story about trains, coal mines, and a brave canary told in a landscape.
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This game was made it in two days for MiniJam 125
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Jump endlessly through the void
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On-Beat beating of sentient cymbals with a giant club
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A short rhythm game about deciphering satellite signals
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Submission to the Mini Jam 125
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Bullets, bombs and bits
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Plan your moves to help Rob the Robot
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play as phonely as he collects energy and avoids hackers who have invaded through electrical signals
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Rhythm based platformer game. Can you survive to the end of the song?
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This is a game for the game Jam
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Keep the rhythm, and don't lose signal!
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stupid game about stupid robot trying to connect to stupid signal move with arrow keys, interact with z
Why won't the ticking stop...
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Join the mission to gather and amplify signals from across the galaxy and save the planet.
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Feel the rhythm and survive
Survive in space. Stuck to the rhythm!
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made in 2 days
Not a good game. Do not recommend. Did learn a lot though!