Platform To Heaven Feedback:
Mechanics: The movement and jumping felt fast and was pretty easy to control and judge distance. The gun worked well, although it didn't seem like the enemies were very threatening. The enemies didn't feel like they added anything to the platforming experience aside from one enemy in the last level, so maybe try to think of better ways to integrate them with the platforming sections. I really liked jumping on the jumping/bouncy platforms, although it was a little glitchy when they were moving.
Level Design: The first level felt like more of a first person shooter rather than a platformer, however I liked how you used that level to teach the player where they can typically find the crystals. The last level had a tricky jump to make, as you had to ride a jumping/bouncy platform and then land in a doorway through an odd angle. I think that it may be better to give the player a better platform to land on, so that they don't risk missing a jump in a way that feels unfair. The rest of the levels were pretty straightforward platforming with slight differences in verticality.
Art: The art style gave off a very sci-fi Tron-like vibe. I really liked the lazer gun. I didn't like how the platforms textures looked when they were stacked because if you missed a platform and fell, it created an almost strobe light effect which was difficult to look at until you respawned. The jumping/bouncy platforms didn't have this problem, and looked nice.
Sound: I don't know if there was intending to be sound playing, but there was no sound.