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When I first lunched the game the main screen had my interest.

After that the game slowly lost me as I dully crafted one pipe after another.

Then as time slowly passed on the atmosphere started shifting!

Going from that dull back and forth into an urging creepiness
The sense of tension that resulted made the rest of the game much more fun!

I was sure the MC was building a Frankenstein and dreaded the moment the project will complete!

Especially when giving it intelligence

I didn't seem to encounter any game breaking bugs

Would be nice to be able to change target destination while moving. My misclicks were hard to bear

Overall had fun :)


Hey, thank you for your positive feedback on the game!
It seems I was able to get you in exactly the right mood I wanted the player to be in, and you were luckier than some in not encountering bugs.
Thank you for playing and commenting!