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(1 edit)

What's your secret for synchronizing or beatmatching the various loops? I like using for composing music, but so far, I've just dropped a 3 or 5 minute piece into the background. Haven't played with adaptive music yet. (But I'd like to!)

Edit: Oh Dang. FMOD is free, but it seems like there's no plugin for Godot yet. Sounds like a cool utility.

Yeah pretty much all that's done in FMOD. Record and export stems from Reaper, then arranged in FMOD. Yeah it's crazy useful!  You might be able to use the API directly, afaik it's compatible with C++ and C#. Having the plugin in unity does make it a lot simpler though. I haven't used before, will check that out! is just a toy :) Probably not suitable for serious musicians.