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(2 edits) (+1)

It is always so interesting to stumble upon people's first jam game, and congrats on finishing without any bugs (from which I have noticed). It is just a little rough around the edges. I remember my first jam game being barely playable with a game breaking bug which could break the game at any moment, and to be honest it wasn't very fun either😅. Yours to be honest is actually pretty entertaining. Here is a bit of feedback:
* Maybe make a level transition screen, because after finishing a level I would run straight into a car since it wasn't possible for me to let go of the controls before the level shift.
* Also remember to clamp the player to the screen. It is a little bit awkward that you can just run off the edge into infinity :)

I am looking forward to seeing your progress if I ever stumble upon one of your games again in the future. Keep on developing!


Awesome feedback! Thanks. 
I would say the cheat-y bit is that I have been a programmer for years upon years, just not on GDevelop and just never did a Jam. 
You would probably see that in a heart beat in the way I programmed :) (I hope lol). It's pretty object oriented, though it can still be more optimized.

I wish I understood how to do the 'zoom in' on the player better.. it was one of my questions at the start of the competition on the GDevelop discord. I struggle with the camera zoom vs layers. I did a zoom on the base layer, and my UI layer completely broke. Then I did it on the background but that broke everything else. It was frustrating and in the end I decided I rather have a working game, then nothing at all, so I just skipped it. But yeah I need to get that technique fixed. I want to fix this game with a newer version later, or on a separate publish, no idea how to deal with that as this is a Jam version I don't want to ruin. It should stay the version it is on the jam. So maybe republish. 

Also in the last bit I tried to limit the chicken in the screen, but it totally was ignored by the logic. Not sure why. I toggled disable those lines to not cause trouble.
We can talk about it on Discord I suppose, but essentially I wrote this: if chicken.positionX() is greater than maxwidth (etc) then set chicken.positionX() to maxposition on screen visible. It just kept going beyond.... no idea why. 

The transition screen is a good idea. Another would be to lock the controls. It is what me and my wife also discussed afterwards. This was the sole reason, you were still moving forwards while the chicken was positioned down on the bottom at Y525. So you let go, but you already moved the chicken to 500 or something and you collide in the first car. 

I'm definitely looking forward doing more with GDevelop and will probably get my buddy to join next time. 

Oh that's cool! I am also from a developer background, mostly Python and Java. For the most parts I use Godot as my main engine, but I absolutely love GDevelop for smaller jams when I feel lazy lol.  I have only been acquainted with GDevelop for 4 month so I also had some troubles with implementing my game logic. Like my game was supposed to also have rotating platforms, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to properly incorporate it, my player would just happily float next to it in the void instead of sticking to the platform XD
I haven't played with zoom in GDevelop, but I think I have a cheeky solution to your edge problem: you could use invisible sprites at the edges of the game screen and use GDevelop's Seperate Objects function to make the player collide with the sprites so that it won't go outside the screen.
And thanks for the follow and checking out other games I have made. I don't know if I should feel honored or nervous since I never update my jam games 😅