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Oh that's cool! I am also from a developer background, mostly Python and Java. For the most parts I use Godot as my main engine, but I absolutely love GDevelop for smaller jams when I feel lazy lol.  I have only been acquainted with GDevelop for 4 month so I also had some troubles with implementing my game logic. Like my game was supposed to also have rotating platforms, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to properly incorporate it, my player would just happily float next to it in the void instead of sticking to the platform XD
I haven't played with zoom in GDevelop, but I think I have a cheeky solution to your edge problem: you could use invisible sprites at the edges of the game screen and use GDevelop's Seperate Objects function to make the player collide with the sprites so that it won't go outside the screen.
And thanks for the follow and checking out other games I have made. I don't know if I should feel honored or nervous since I never update my jam games 😅