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Wow does that horse have spirit! Look at him jump!

A very nice game, with a chill mood, though some background music would have been fun to set the scene. I never made it to Old Rock, but I gave it my best shot darn tootin'!

I'm not 100% sure where the horse's hitbox ends because I found the distance I needed to be before the cacti before I'd die to be a bit inconsistent.  Otherwise very fun and chill.


Thank you! Background music in the game itself is a good idea. The horse collider was perhaps a bit too big for the sprite. I'll consider changing that as a hotfix!

As for Old Rock -- good on you for giving it your best! Though the young man should question if it is worth the effort, or even possible at all, to complete the journey. After giving the game a few attempts, maybe stop for a bit to contemplate if you should mount the horse again! It might be smarter to just give up and try to go home ;)


Oh?? I shall do that