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Nice game ! i liked mostly the graphics, the idea is interesting but you maybe should have increase the vision of the player, at some point we jump completely blind and well that fit the theme but it's not very fun. I liked a lot the intergration of the story text in the game and the mechanic of the door slowly opening is pretty cool. Finally it’s a shame not to have made more complex sounds, more interesting music and a menu after the end (but I guess it’s a lack of time). Finally if this criticism may seem negative I have generally enjoyed the game and its atmosphere. Good work!


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it, it really helps.

I wanted to do a few things differently with this one, cutting those things in favor of more content, as you predicted... I think I made the right choice, but it definitely could be better with those small upgrades.

I'm doing a longer jam currently, so hopefully I don't have to make those sacrifices.