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  • the cover image looks NSFW - at least at a glance, I was scrolling the games to be rated and one my my older kids was “what is that” then to one of the younger kids “stay out for a moment” until I got it off screen.
  • I was going to say no way to skip the into scene, but then saw this on the game page: “Skip in the intro cutscene - delete / q” - not a key I would have expected, nor does the jam send you to the game - putting a ‘skip -> q’ in the corner would have been better
  • My game locked up when I tried to interact with the people with ! symbols over their head multiple times, never got to see what they had to say
  • interesting use of the theme
  • yaen’s voice acting had some really good inflection

Thank you for the feedback. Sorry for the uncomfortable kids-situation, totalyl not our intention but I can see how that can happen.

The idea for the skip-prompt is great and something we'll do for sure!

The softlock issue is a really annoying bug caused by forgetting to hook up a thing before hitting build and then we had no more time (check the 4 seconds before deadline upload time lol)

Very glad you liked my acting :)


Yah on the kids-situations, it looks like some messed up AI generated image, that could just be taken the wrong way really easy.