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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is absolutely the best game in the whiskey stone dimension franchise I have ever played!!

Hello, our voice actress for the player character, the ghost, is indeed female :)

Damn you're the heroes this game needed

Can you not still change these things?

Hmm I can't find the ruins and also I wonder why the main menu isn't there anymore since that also had credits ingame. I also think the music should be a bit quieter, it's drowning out all the subtle sounds which can mess up the atmosphere a bit

Hmm that's uh... really strange. I don't remember any of us putting that in the game...

Additionally, how about adding grave upgrades such as mausoleums that can store more corpses? That way you could reduce travel time and add more visual variety

Ah one idea I had was to add some automation, kinda efficiency stuff to deal with piles of corpses. Like maybe you could employ some of the zombies to be grave digging minions

Thank you so much. I loved your game and wish you top marks in the ratings!

Yep. we just kinda uhh didn't do anything to prevent winning after losing and vice versa :D

Thank you super much, your compliments mean a lot to me

Nice one, pretty satisfying to get into the rhythm!

Really good take on the incremental game reversal. I wonder what those small cookies do once you've already grown in size a bunch. Do they still serve a purpose?

Wow this game was actually so well thought out, it's incredible you came up with the rules so quickly and still managed to package it up with such beautifully realized art. No complaints here, I thoroughly enjoyed my time. Managed to get to level 22!

Cool idea, though I wished it focused more on controlling the ball. Would be interesting if I had stronger control over the ball and no or very little control over the flippers. Sometimes the flippers bug out and cause the ball to fly straight down after shortly being pushed up, dunno why.

I like the music a lot, fun tune!

Thank you so much! Some of us are working out some of the issues and are making a post jam version so I suppose that's good news! :)

I actually quite liked your game :)
Solo dev for a jam must be tough but team organization has its own challenges too. I think a middle ground of 2-5 people is usually the most comfortable zone.

Hey this is a pretty cool idea and I think the economy of this game works really well, a bit too well almost. I could certainly see this go places, like what if the citizens notice the source of the zombies at some point and start attacking the graveyard, and you have to keep some zombies stationed lest your graveyard gets destroyed?

I think the day/night thing was sometimes a bit ambiguous and I didn't feel the separation between the two phases during gameplay as I kind of just did the same stuff throughout, with day / night merely being a visual effect of sorts. At some point, I managed to get stuck and my char couldn't move anymore. Still, I did enjoy my time with this and I think it has nice presentation. Awesome thumbnail art, by the way.

Awesome, I'll be sure to come back when you have a new version :)

I did enjoy it a lot, it's one of my favs so far :)

That was really funny and rich in variety. I loved all the little wario-ware-type mini games and how they often require quick understanding of the new rules.

We do like that game over screen <3

Ah just a formula that's always going to work, to make a fun, enjoyable experience. I like that it's not just one big upgrade menu but that it gives you a reduced set of options each level so you're making more interesting choices when upgrading.

I wish there wasn't a maximum to how much I can upgrade things. I wanted to keep going and don't know why the game didn't allow me to keep upgrading my cookie. I feel like these kinds of games stop being fun once you have finished upgrading things and have reached a maximum.

Whaaaat how?? :0

Beautiful, fresh artstyle and overall a lovely idea! The frog illustrations are too cute, I almost want to meet them more than the princes. I wish I understood what to do at the crown mini game. None of my inputs did anything but I still won every time.

Hmm and I also don't know what I need to do once the king reaches spot 5 on the map.

eef tim gut yep nom bois

Very cute game with lots of character! I love the art <3
I found the bear to be too hard to beat in my first run. Wish there was a way to return to the beginning of the bear fight straight away after dying to it. Would've given it another try then

Oooh I definitely did not notice that! That is fascinating - I always just randomly spammed things in the attacking phase and got through with it quite well. I would have played differently had I known this fact. I viewed this as a game where both the attacking and defending phases are supposed to be equally challenging but it seems like the attacking phase is mostly preparation for the defense phase then...

What a lovely idea, probably the most "different" player characters I've played so far in this jam. I didn't really get behind the round announcing thing and it took me a bit to start understanding things as it just kind of throws you into it. But that's fine, I got the hang of it eventually and had a lot of fun with taking on this sorta weird role :)

Ah I love what this could be but didn't quite warm up to it due to the controls and the camera system. I think it would work a lot better if the platform placement was mouse-controlled rather than wasd. The pieces move so fast that it becomes hard to place them with desired precision, especially with a fast-moving physics object that needs to hit them. The player also sometimes falls down on a far side where you can't place any pieces. The camera system makes this harder whenever the screen suddenly moves up very quickly, forcing me to readjust my positioning.

That said, I think this game has a lot of charm and I like the comments that the players make on my performance as an object placer. It certainly becomes fun for a while if you're making the character move up very fast, but the controls hold it back from generating a flow-experience that lasts. I enjoy the visual presentation overall.

Neat, I had a good time with this one. I like that I can play the same thing twice from each perspective, and that the role-reversal actually takes place as I play, rather than just as the basic premise of the game idea. Cute art too, I like your sprites :)

I wish that my actions from playing one side carried over to the next round as the other side in some way so that I actively have to think about the role reversal as I am playing.

And I think it's interesting how the typical tower defense ways of making levels more complex only really apply to one side. Adding more paths means interesting choices for the defender but it just means I choose the weakest link as the attacker. I wonder how more complexity could be created for the attacker too.

By the way, when I won the attacking side on level 3, my game stopped with an eternal freeze frame.

Really good game, had my fun with beating our poor little player character over and over again, though I wish it would have been the other way around where you keep losing until you're strong enough to finally get back at the player and win the battle. This way, it felt kind of like what's the point of upgrading more and more even though I already won.

Thank you so much <3 I'm so proud of our team

Yeah, I kind of feel the same. It took a really long time until we had a playable gameplay loop from start to finish, largely due to the organizational effort of getting everything together from the programming team. That made it tricky to really develop the gameplay into something more unique and varied, or to make the tutorial we wanted to make (at least we managed to make the tutorial interactive but that was done in a few hours on the last day).

Believe me, there was just as much effort to get the game loop going as there was for making assets but it was tough to bring everything together and the NPC AI kept acting up well into day 2, making it basically unplayable for a really long time. I suppose this is an interesting learning out of this: With art, it's easier for people to kind of work side by side on assets whereas code is more interconnected and it can be tough to bring it together with so many people working in different places and timezones, handing stuff over to each other and having to connect things into one gameplay loop. From a project management perspective, code is also harder to get an overview on since you can't just look at a script and tell at a glance how well it's going.

Overall, I'm really quite happy with how it ended up but yeah especially early on there were certainly some major challenges on the tech-side that held us back.

Thanks for the suggestion, I think that could be a positive change, yep

Thank you so much Bardia, we all really appreciate your kind words

Wow congrats! Game turned out to be kinda hard so well done :)
Also thanks for your kind words

Through an intense effort from everyone in a big team of professionals, I'd say. Thank you so much for your compliment, I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Wonderful little platformer, I liked the way the level design forced you to switch between the forms. Clever controls of the frog but I wish there was a bit more visual feedback about the charge amount.

Checkpoints could have been a little more frequent in my taste. But it was fine, at least I got to level 3 with all crystals :)
Really cute artstyle too btw, love it.

Good point about the arrows, I'll tell the team. Some of us said that they wanted to push a post jam version at some point

Well, I like you :)