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Indeed, I played the web version just to check the BGM and SFX, it works! Not sure why Godot would struggle with audio on Linux, may be related to setup on my side, but other Godot games played audio fine (that said, some of them didn’t have audio at all, confirmed by developer so cannot tell at 100% that they wouldn’t have this issue).

I forgot to praise the art, it’s very efficient and I like “small garden” styles which are fitting for isometric maps like these!

Thank you!

Yeah, I've done a bit of research and haven't figured out much on the audio yet. What distro are you on? Might help me figure something out...


Well, for me it works fine. I have (L)ubuntu 20.04....

Good to know! Thanks for the feedback. My Linux machine is busted right now so haven't been able to test properly.