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Known bugs:

> MC calls Laura the wrong name

> Renee MIGHT be locked out for some people

> Hana's "sexy" music gives an error (hit "ignore" to continue the scene)

All these bugs have already been fixed for the next release. I was hoping to have a patched update available for today, but a cockroach infestation kept me out of my room for most of yesterday. Sorry for the inconvenience!

(1 edit) (+2)

That sounds far more inconvenient for you than for us! Take care and thanks for the hard work! This is a great game!

I'm glad you're enjoying it! And thanks for the kind words :)

oh dang man, might wanna get an extra set-up just in case

I'm travelling around Thailand at the moment, so I kinda have to take what I'm given ;P



Glad you're no longer going through having cocks in your room. Those things are mighty disgusting. Thank you for making the game. Cheers.


And roaches too


Honestly, an infestation of either is problematic, dirty and gross...

Sounds like it.