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A member registered Oct 16, 2020

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The opening music goes so fucking hard.

Bro literally went "Fine, I'll do it myself."

Absolutely love this game. One of the few where I had to restart after skipping because I got hooked on the story. I also quite enjoy the MC, he has a story before we were a part of his life. It adds so much depth to the game. All in all, I quite like the game and would recommend it. Thank you, Developer, for making this gem.

Finally! After all these years, I've found it. "Muscle Women". This is bloody wonderful and I thank you for making the greatest kink come to life.

That makes sense after playing through part of it.

This game is fucking hilarious, I just got the Drider ending of Critical Penis Malfunction and I am dying, literally and figuratively.

How do I remove Desire? Dude had the sex and he still has Desire. What do I do?

Where do I find the cat after it disapeers the first time?

Glad you're doing well.

I'm pretty much asking how you, the developer, is doing.

How fares you who makes this game? I do hope it's quite well.

His buddy then said that RNG was being Sarcastic and that no NTR would be seen. I think I read that correctly.

Honestly that sounds like a feature.


Penis joke. I don't know about the word I used though.

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How would I get Anal xp? Is it just random weather or not that a dude's into it? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Found one.

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Just like your penis into all of those ladies.

Edit: Turned wewe into penis.

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Praise be to our Lord and Tempter PinkChinChin. I highly doubt I said that right but eh.

Edit: I'm poor as fuck but still, YEAH!


Found out what it meant.

I'm scared. What does "Play with puppies" mean?

Reputation is just EXP. Get it from killing things and quests. Probably.

Keeper, I hardly know her.


Yo, sup, I would like some help finding the last piece of clothing. I'm probably blind as hell but any help would be appreciated.

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As someone taking Russian, this shall either make give me some new knowledges, or I'll not understand a bloody thing.

Edit: I understand nothing.

Alright, so I haven't played the game yet, but I'm guessing it takes place in Holstein.

Ahh, so the ultimate "Don't get fucked" game.

Is it good seriously? Because I might just do that.

I may be blinder than a three day dead corpse. Thank you.

How do I escape the Outcasts's cave?

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Alright, so I have a little problem happening in this very nice game. For some reason, I cannot continue quest 15. How is that? Well, I can find the red head when looking for her. She's not in the Monastery and no where else. If anyone could please point me an a general direction of what to do or where to go, I'll be very thankful.

Edit: Nevermind. I'm just a bloody idiot.

Just started and this already flucking gold. Thank you Yeehaw Games for this monstrosity of a gem. Keep up the bloody amazing work.


Sounds like it.

This game has the best music I've ever heard from a "cultured" game. Bravo.

Glad you're no longer going through having cocks in your room. Those things are mighty disgusting. Thank you for making the game. Cheers.