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I'm a plumber of 12 years specialising in roofing for 10. Game and soundtrack making is purely a hobby although I'd like to take it further and use it to supplement income to an extent. Work doesn't influence my game and soundtrack development as they are completely different. The closest I get to a computer at work is a pair of tin snips and that ain't close! 

Also check my games out and buy them. Get me off the tools before I fall off a roof and die. Cheers


I've often thought that plumbing must be similar to software troubleshooting.


"Get me off the tools before I fall off a roof and die. Cheers"

That is the best marketing slogan I've ever heard XD


In all honesty it's not the kind of job you want to be doing as you age.  Body definitely  cops it.  Alright when you are young but most blokes have already given it away by 30 or less. 
