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Well, I figured out what the new ending song to the Language Level is.  Just not in the way that I was hoping to.

(1 edit) (+2)

FAIR USE BITCHES! Oh, and I really don't understand what the f*ck is with all these copyright claims, because from what I've heard from my graphics design teacher, only the owner of the copyrighted material can sue you, and I highly doubt that bitch claimant is really the owner, just a faker, even if they say they are. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't just have found this game by accident and started watching random Youtuber play this game. That bitch is just gonna demonetize every Youtuber who plays this game for the starting math level music and other tracks. I'm only 16, so I'm not fully sure how copyright works. Oh, and I've also found this song while researching Overture to the Sun remixes on Youtube. Also, does anyone else have the strong urge to hold the Youtube administrators at gunpoint for ruining every single Youtuber's experience with their new rules and policies on content, I'm not just talking about copyright, but also automatic age restriction, demonetization, and random banning, etc?

Imagine if someone watching the video blabbed to the owner saying "MIX UP GAMERS is using your music" or if they said "Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski" in the comments of the owner's video. LOL


Markiplier has on aewvs video 1,8 M views and it contains a lot of fragments of overture music. Also a lot of youtubers has this music in their videos.

Good point.

I have 40 minute video long with Overture To The Sun music that plays whole time in that video. And one day i got mail where Warner Bros unpublish that video. Then i describe what this music plays all time, and video was published again.

I make a version without copyritht music.



Does that mean no more of that iconic classic(?) signature(?) AEWVS UST?