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AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. I really like it, even though it's incredibly difficult. I think you should improve on the visuals and the music, but the core mechanic is strong and intersting. Having to decide quickly what to do is important, and hard to execute, which is just wonderful. I think you should be able to jump just a little further, because a lot of the times I jumped, I couldn't reach the other platform. Maybe powerups are also a good idea to have in the game. Overall I think the game is really fun, hard and fitting the theme :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Visuals are definitely not my strong suit, so hopefully i can find a style that looks nice and also isn't too demanding. As for the jumping, it definitely is a little wonky at first, but once you get used to it, you can make most of the jumps no problem. Thanks for playing!