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So I have level 0 band knowledge (like I don't even know what a drum major is level 0).  What I had the most trouble with overall was like (for lack of a better way of describing it) the band "position" terms ("the pit," "the baratones," "the color guard," "low brass," "dressing," I'm still trying to figure out what the band president does that's not duplicative of what the drum major does) also some of the instruments (like is a mellophone a thing or is it a brass instrument that's not a trumpet and TF is a mezzo piano?).

Thanks-My profile picture is my German Shepard, Squall.  He's a little booger and the world's biggest wimp, but he does have an awesome smile.

All right then I'm definitely going to have a glossary in the full game to help non-bandos out. Thank you for giving me this feedback. I'll try and define some of those terms while you're here...

Drum Major: The conductor of the band.

The Pit: The front ensemble, which consists of instruments that can't be marched with such as a xylophone, gong, etc.

Low Brass: A family of brass instruments that play in a deeper range including baritones, tubas, and trombones.

Color Guard: The flag twirlers.

Dressing: Looking down the line or curve and making sure you're in line with everyone else or conforming to the shape.

Mellophone: Since French horns aren't a marching instrument, mellophones are the substitute. They look like giant trumpets, but sound like French horns--it is the instrument Poptart is holding.

Mezzo piano: A measure of volume. It's relatively soft--Peter is mocking Clark in that his instrument can't play nearly as loud as his own.

I hope that helps! And Squall looks like a very good boy.

Thank you!  If you don't mind a bit more unsolicited advice, I think it would be a good idea to put some glossary terms on the KS page (I'm going to back now but I was hesitant to back previously because I was afraid I'd go through the whole game not really understanding TF everyone was talking about-my in my defense I DID know who Charlie Parker is).

AHH THANK YOU! We will do our best to bridge the gap. We're going to talk with our GUI artist about putting in a glossary page that easily accessible. (And haha yay!)

Hi fairfaxleasee!! I know it's been 3 years and I don't even know if you are following this project anymore, but as of last night we got the glossary functioning, which I am so stoked about. I just wanted to say a special thank you for such a great idea! It will certainly add to the quality of life and help bridge the gap between the game and non-band folk. I hope you and Squall are doing well. Thanks again for your suggestion!