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Yeah, the top left is the start, and I will introduce mechanics one at a time.  I have the rooms laid out, but not the way to get from one to the other (no platforms, ladders, etc.).  I started adding those after I posted last night.  the bottom left is the second boss fight, and that is what the rest of the map will look like eventually.   I have a flow map, but I was just showing the actual build.  I plan to finish all the implementing by Wednesday, and let my nephew/wife/people on discord try the game out , and work on graphics.  that way I have a few days over the weekend to work out any bugs they find, and otherwise make the game pretty

Here is the way the game will "flow". the Stars are the boss fights. I know it is not the most complex map (I LOVE Aria of Sorrow, and I consider it's map to be one of the best), but it seems to be decent 

sounds good!