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I like this! Very neat visually.  Really, Really like the audio tracks.  I think because this is the music Game Jam, I would have liked to see perfect sync with the audio on the obstacles.  That's my biggest note.

There didn't seem to be any indicator for which levels you had done/ when I went into level select I lost the rest of the game.  I would have liked to know what happened to Dave.  I don't know if this is unfinished or if I did something.

Overall, very very good!


Hi, thanks! Yes, lots of audio sync was our aim but we never really got there in the end. This is an unfinished product. Was a fun jam though.


Well, I can still hear the music after a day, so you did a great job there =D

Hey MetaBitly,

Thank you for playing and sharing your experience with us! We're currently trying to improve the game and it was really helpfull to see where people had problems and what their reaction was on different things.

At the same time I'd like to apologize for the bugs and small things that reduced the fun like the obstacles that didn't synced well with the music. But... we found the bug and now it should work fine!

!!!Spoiler alert for people who didn't played the game!!!

Dave saved the ship and found the captain in the end of the new version.

I'll take a look =D