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(1 edit)

Also: I found the Russian manual on VK. “play sound” and “play music” don’t seem to work. Here’s my test code (placed on a terminal):

sound Sound Sounds/Test.wav

play sound Sound

play music Music/TestMusic.ogg

map return

They will only play in a cutscene. As soon as you leave the cutscene (which a terminal basically is) all played sounds and music will stop.

If you want to just play a sound, you need to use a trigger and then provide it with a sound.

I never got around doing something about this as this was purely for cutscenes.

Eh, fair enough. I did try to experiment with multiple music cues in one level but that doesn’t seem possible at the moment.

There is a way to keep music from stopping. You need to use "map return 1" command. Not sure if it will work properly as I've had looping problems during testing