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(1 edit) (+2)

As a super-quick primer to how I have configured unity for this jam:

  • add the pixel-perfect camera component to your camera, and configure as so:
    • recommended assets pixels per unit to be 4 (factors of two are important)
    • reference resolution should be 84x48
    • check ‘upscale render texture’
    • crop frame x and y
  • when importing sprites:
    • ensure your pixels per unit match (4, if you followed my recommendation)
    • filter mode should be ‘Point (no filter)’
  • recommended build resolution and presentation (project settings > player)
    • canvas width x height: 840x480
    • webgl template: minimal
    • in itch this matches a viewport of 860x500px

awesome response tomputer, thanks for helping out!

Thank you very much for mentioning the Itch,io's viewport bit... I was wondering why "Integer Scaling" didn't work, (project made by Construct 3,) turns out I used the wrong viewport dimension. (But how was I supposed to know that?!)