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Very cool concept! And the generative graphics are beautiful! Also yay Godot Engine :D I'm curious tho, in the screenshots it looks like the bubble is literally just floating there without a normal window border... which is awesome if true.... did you really do that with uncustomized Godot? How did you do it? 

On Linux the window management seems a bit crazy tho :D It's got a black box overhang on the bottom/right sides, and trying to move it causes a lot of flickering all over the place, like it's not really tracking my mouse cursor. 


oh lord youre the first one to mention that. are you on xwindow or wayland? we didnt really test linux so i have no clue why that is going on.

ash wrote their part of the devlog which explains this i just need ot write mine and you should be able to read how it was done there.

(1 edit)

Im using xwindow+kwin and it renders all good, but the movement button doesn't work consistently. It might be related to having multiple monitors because it flickers between them when i move it around (and doesn't match up quite with the mouse movement) but it is pretty and kewl. Only other thing is the text is pretty big and this message got cut off

I forgot to mention, using the OS-key+drag lets me move it around fine =3

Hi, linux user here. (Debian+Gnome / wayland) The rendering of the bubble is good but the moving cross doesn’t works properly : It’s hard to move the bubble, it doesn’t really follow the mouse when dragging. Good work on everything else. Love it.


yeaaaa, it does that on all OS sometimes i think? sometimes = 10% of the time, specifically when you are not looking