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A member registered Dec 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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(’<_ ’

Thank you for the feedback. Yeah more interaction could be fun but I spent too much time on drawing and had to balance with a really minimalist gameplay…

Lovely ! Does ☺59 mean 100% completion ?

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Hello everyone, this is Léon, who’s been hosting this Jam for 3 years now!

This year I’m going to have a lot of work at the same time as the tool jam. I’ve decided to keep the jam at its usual time (early May), but I’m not going to have the time to get involved as much as I’d like.

That’s no big deal. This jam isn’t about me, it’s about you! and I’m sure you’ll still make it a wonderful, creative and surprising event, full of weird, indispensable, perfect and/or useless tools.

But I wanted to apologize if I’m slower to answer your questions and don’t have the time to try all your tools.

Take care, thanks for everything,

Léon (’<_ ’

Hi! Glad to hear you were able to continue working on the tool! (*<_ *

Yeah. If you just buy the free Old Pickaxe (1.5 card/sec) the initial deck is mined in 13.5 seconds (1.5 × 9 cards) After 22.5 min you’ll have mined 100 stairs and finished the game.

<3 great game

One of the worst drawing programs I’ve ever used. (that’s a compliment)

These little grass entities want to die so badly. make me sad.

Nice twist on the theme tho


Great job for a first game / first jam. sprites are simple but coherent and readable. The voice really add some fun.

Nice visuals and good work with the sound effects !

Really fun to play ! Just a little bit unsatisfying to get the win screen before having the time to mow the whole field.

(*<_ *

fun (’<_ ’ those crocodiles are scary

love it ☕☕☕

OK, I just checked that the zoom is at 100% and reloaded. No difference.

Looking at the screenshots more closely, I can see that there’s a kind of padding above the text in the dialog text, but also in the buttons. This is certainly what makes the last line disappear.

I use Firefox 111.0.1 / Debian 12

Strange but no big deal, I was able to fully enjoy the game on chromium and I might be the only one experimenting that issue, so no worries !

(’<_ ’


3 lines dialog texts are cropped on Firefox…

firefox vs chromium screenshot :

Nice game tho ! thanks :)

Its because passwords starting with Ku4 are to easy to crack, obviously.

Well played 🤓


This took me days, cant not share it : (u<_ u

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Lot of fun (’<_ ’

Awesome game but I need a break (u<_ u

The Tool Jam 3 community · Created a new topic thx

Hi, just a quick message to once again say bravo and thank you to all of you. This edition of the tool jam was incredible. A little less entries than last year but I was really surprised by the quality and the creativity of the tools which, in my opinion, far exceeded the two previous editions! Long life to all your tools and see you next year ❤️


I’m not a Unity user but it looks cool. It would be nice if you published a demo of a game made with MoonCard so that we can see the possibilities.

A great blender addon idea to make point and click games! The video tutorial is very well done and really makes you want to try the tool.

Is it possible to set the shape of the area to something other than rectangle or circle ? It seems limiting. We would like to be able to make arbitrary polygons to better fit the shapes of the objects…

Great project, very ambitious, well documented and really makes you want to dive in !

As good as it is bad. And the save your art feature implementation is perfect !

funny and monstrous (o<_ o It would be great to be able to change the size of the brush.

Very cool to see a tool made with Scratch (or at least I think it’s made with scratch from the little green flag).

I had no problem getting it to work, you just have to click on the text very precisely.

I came across the “Idea Generator” idea and it made me laugh to imagine someone using your idea generator to find an idea for a game and ending up creating another idea generator.

It’s a good challenge to develop a password manager, as you’ve already been told, you’ll have to focus on the security part which is essential for this type of tool.

Personally I use KeePass for my passwords. You may want to study their way of dealing with the security. Maybe you can even use the same technology as keepass for the encryption of your database (keepass is open source). It would have several advantages: you would be sure to use a safe technology, your users would be confident, your users could easily migrate from keepass to PassGenius and vice versa.

Can’t run it for the exact same reason, but looks neat.

The tool is very elegant in its simplicity and I can totally see myself using it. I always carry a key-shaped flash drive that I use to store my keepass database. I think I’ll add Jern to it and see how I get on with it (’<_ ’

+1 for

prev/next keys/buttons to navigate through entries in chronological order. very useful for remembering what you wrote yesterday or last week, and referencing it in a newer entry

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I also thought it was confusing that the key and entries are both stored next to the executable

I think it has to do with the fact that this tool is meant to be used on a flash drive and not necessarily installed in a computer. I think the choice to have everything in one place is justified in this case.

Maybe it just needs to have params to cover more use cases e.g. ./jern --key=/some/other/dir/for/the/key.k --entries=/some/other/dir/for/the/entries/

A very playful interface ! Overall it’s functional and has a lot of features! I’m not much of a Kanban guy but if I were I would definitively have used Plan a Game! for my next game jam.